Common Entrance
"We cannot thank you enough for all the incredible guidance, inspiration and attainment you have given our children."
Common Entrance is used for entry into senior schools at 13+, and those schools that use 11+ will mark the CE exams to place the children into academic sets. It is therefore important to ensure that your child is working at their best both to win their place and to find their best academic fit in their senior school.
Having taught both English and Latin to Common Entrance and overseen the process for all the children as a Director of Studies, I have a thorough understanding of what the exams are asking and what different schools are expecting. I also know how to make an exam paper stand out from the many and this comes from helping children to feel really enthusiastic about the subject and engaged with the process.
Academic Scholarships
Despite working in non-selective schools, I have had considerable success in helping pupils achieve top scholarships to the most selective senior schools. I set up a scholars' summer school whilst in Yorkshire which was hugely popular and offered the boys a different experience to school life. I feel more than confident to work with gifted children to help them realise their potential.

"It has been a pleasure knowing you and you have worked wonders with Lola."